I offer my clients insight into their past, present and future. I use astrology, tarot
and mediumship in conjunction with New Thought tools and teachings.
Phone, email and zoom, or in person. Please TEXT me 832-444-8380
Astrology Stand alone chart $25 + shipping
Astrology Readings All my readings
come with a personal consultation,
either in person, Zoom, video chat or
Text 832-444-8380
Basic Natal $100.
This chart tells you where the planets were on day of your
birth and gives you insite into your personality. This is a
very helpful tool for self-healing and spiritual
Natal and Progressed together $150
This Chart shows you where you are now in your life and
what aspects the progressed planets have on current and
future events.
Compatability $150
This chart compared you and another for your strengths
and challenges in your relationship
Solar Return $100
This chart tells you what your year will be about.
Event $100
This chart lets you see the energies present in any event
you are planning.
Yearly Calender $75
This is a calender derived from your birth chart that
shows the aspects avaliable on any given day
Relocation Chart $75
This chart will give you information on how a new location
will effect your life or business etc.
I am offering a special price on a
bundle $225
Natal, Progressed and Solar return
Tarot Readings
By Phone or in person…….
Basic consultation $50 (approximately 30 min
Full Consultation $90 (approximately 1hr
Psychic or Mediumship Readings
In Person.
$100 for approximately 30 Minutes.
Spiritual Counseling and Science of Mind
I offer counseling to overcome
behavioral issues of all types. I offer
these sessions via phone, video chat or
in person.
Counseling fee starts at $90.00 per hour
My Science of Mind Classes are
accredited classes with the goal
of becoming a practitioner or
Minister in the Ernest Holmes
Science of Mind 1 $400
Science of Mind 2 $400
Practitioner $500
Ministerial 1 $600
Ministerial 2 $600
Practitioner and Ministerial boards
will be held in Richmond Virginia
once a year
It is possible to obtain your
credentials via video chat.
contact me
Ordering info
Spiritual Counseling and Science of Mind
I offer counseling to overcome
behavioral issues of all types. I offer
these sessions via phone, video chat or
in perso
for further information, please email ,
Global Religious Science Ministries